Online Reservation Program Software Is an Easy Way for Colleges and Universities to Schedule Rooms
Our nation's colleges, universities, community colleges and technical schools are the leaders in societal advancements, whether it's a new technology, a scientific breakthrough, or a cure for a medical condition. This, however, is not necessarily the case when it comes to administrative processes. Like many other organizations and businesses, many campus departments and offices get accustomed to conducting tasks in a certain way, and this comfort zone deters them from looking outside the box for new ways of automating and streamlining many of their daily tasks. Case in point: room scheduling. Most campuses offer students the ability to book facility rooms, such as study rooms at the library or law school. On paper, this task seems simple enough. The student calls the facility or arrives in-person, the administrative staff checks availability, and the room is then scheduled for that student at a specific time. Easy, right? Now, multiple this scenario by several 20, 30 or even 10...